“みなす” だから英語で judge?
正解は、リガード 『regard』といいます。
You should regard the criticism from the customers as feedback. |
※regard (動) みなす、考える
※criticism (名) 批判、批評
※feedback (名) 反響、手応え
She tends to regard inputing the wrong numbers as a minor offense. |
※input (動) ~を入力する
※minor offense (名) 些細な違反
I feel less stressed when I view his hot temper as a kind of disease. |
※feel less stressed (熟) 気が楽だ
※view (動) ~とみなす
※hot temper (名) かんしゃく
We have ascribed this month’s poor sales result to a lack of preparation. |
※ascribe A to B (熟) AをBのせいとみなす
※lack of~ (熟) ~の不足、欠乏
We consider any small opinions from our consumers as important ideas. |
※consider A as B (熟) AをBと見なす