“立場になる” だから英語で become position?
正解は、ステップ イントゥー ワンズ シューズ 『step into one’s shoes』といいます。
If one doesn’t step into the customer’s shoes, you can’t make good products. |
※step into one’s shoes (熟) ~の立場になる
You should be willing to step yourself into other people’s shoes at any time. |
※be willing to (熟) 進んで~する、~を厭わない
If you were to walk a mile in his shoes, then you would understand how he feels. |
※walk a mile in one’s shoes (熟) ~の立場で考える
You are lacking the effort to put yourself in the customer’s situation. |
※put yourself in someone’s situation (熟) ~の立場で考える
Why don’t you look at things from the customer’s point of view? |
※point of view (熟) 視点、見方